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Are you feeling overwhelmed, and exhausted? Is stress starting to affect your health?

As someone who has travelled the rocky road of burn out, I understand the toll that pursuing a successful career can take on your health and well-being.

My Hand On Heart approach can help with these common issues:

  • Have you been burning the candle from both ends for too long? If you are feeling constantly tired and don’t have the energy you used to have, nutritional therapy can be the missing ingredient.

    After all, you are what you eat.

    Book your free 20-minute mini consultation to see how I can support you to reclaim your energy and stress resilience.

  • Good gut health is the foundation for overall health.

    Food intolerances, bloating, gut pain, heartburn, constipation or diarrhoea are increasingly common among those who are chronically stressed.

    These symptoms are not ‘normal’ and always have an underlying root cause which we will aim to understand and manage.

    I frequently use stool and/or breath testing to understand how your gut microbiome impacts your health.

    Book a 20-minute free mini consultation to see how I can help you feel better again.

  • PCOS affects 8-13% of Australian women of reproductive age and is still widely underdiagnosed as there is no standardised test. Endometriosis affects 1 of 9 women and is equally widely underdiagnosed.

    Often, women are told to lose weight, take the oral contraceptive pill, or other anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory medication - and forget about ever starting a family.

    Unfortunately, none of these actually address the underlying root cause of hormonal imbalances and women are left worrying that they are infertile and will depend on medication for the rest of their reproductive lives.

    The good news is that managing stress and optimising gut health are key ingredients for female health.

    Book a 20 minute free mini-consultation to find out how I have helped countless women resolve their PCOS and Endometriosis.

  • Have you tried everything, but you’re just not shifting that stubborn weight?

    Unfortunately, when you are chronically stressed, you will struggle to loose weight. This is due to the metabolic effects of the stress hormone ‘cortisol’.

    We will look at what might be driving your weight gain and restore balance.

    Weight loss is not all about calories-in and calories-out. So my promise to you is no calorie counting.. ever!

    Sign up for a free 20-minute mini consultation to find out how I can help you with your weight loss journey.

I’m here to support your return to health.

It is my mission to transform people's frustration with food into a fascination by empowering them with simple yet effective food and lifestyle strategies.

I thought my diet was pretty good but [Eva] really helped me to level up, working on my gut, digestion and nutrient levels. Highly knowledgeable and personable, I would recommend her to anyone looking to improve their diet.
— Nikki M., Business Professional
  • Single Nutrition Guidance Session

    If you are not ready for a package, this is for you.

    Let’s explore what's happening to you and introduce strategies that align your goals with your circumstances. Follow-up sessions can be added at any time.


  • 2 Sessions Starter Pack

    This includes 2 personalised nutrition sessions to address you health concerns over 2-3 weeks.

    Let’s look at what is causing of your symptoms and get you started on a track of better health.


  • Package of 3 Sessions

    This includes 3 personalised nutrition consultations to rebalance your health concerns over 6-9 weeks.

    Let’s deep dive into the root cause of your symptoms and develop a comprehensive nutrition program. 


  • Book 5 Personalised Nutrition Sessions

    Package of 5 Sessions

    This includes 5 (+1 free) personalised nutrition consultations to guide you over 10-12 weeks.

    Let’s work with your health concerns and pave a sustainable and thorough path towards optimum health.

    Bonus: Get a 6th session for free.